There are many treatments for BPD. If the person with BPD accepts their illness they can go on to lead a normal life with the right treatment and support, in fact it can almost be cured.
Psychotherapy is also known as counselling. This is an extremely helpful part of treatment for BPD as it helps the sufferer to pin point past events that has lead them to feel the way they do. It can also help with immediate problems, provides reassurance and support.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
This therapy helps someone to break patterns of destructive behaviour and how to challenge negative thoughts.
This is similar to CBT but is believed to be more affective by some health professionals.
There are different medications that can relieve symptoms of BPD. Anti-depressants, mood stabilisers and anti-psychotic drugs. A good psychiatrist will asses the patients needs, some people with BPD do not take medication but most do. Anti-depressants boost serotonin levels in the brain, this can have a positive effect on depression. Mood Stabilisers will help control erratic moods, many of these are also anti-epilepsy drugs so do not be concerned if you are prescribed medication that is used to treat epilepsy. Anti-psychotic drugs will help to control symptoms of psychosis, some people with BPD hear voices or suffer from intrusive thoughts. Some can even develop full psychotic episodes which can last short periods or be more long term.